Kanlaya Bunyong

Nadear Bakery

Kalasin - Thailand 2012 to present 

Kanlaya strongly with production line, and quality control, I can do food preparation for a ton in one night, but the main key of work, I love to work with baking cakes more than cooking food, spend time practicing with bakery by myself and get an improved skill from the bakery school in Bangkok.

Chong Co Thai

Chong Co Thai - Greenway -Canberra Australia 

During 2017-2018 

I got very good opportunity from my sister to offer me to come to Australia to learn a differen skills, how to run the business, work in the kitchen, how to manage staff and organise jobs tasks and deal with customers, and more than that I can learn how to do marketing, customer services and a lot of experience to run dining restaurant, 9 months to work nearby my sister I can learn a lot from her.